

Schedule of Courses

Course Descriptions

Course Prerequisites

School Yachts

ASA Certification

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~ A Cut Above ~


Registration Procedure

1. Students may participate fully in any course without taking the ASA exam.

2. Choose a course and date and send your deposit via one of the methods to the right, or by calling us with your information at (410) 639 7030.

3. We'll send books and course outlines for study in advance. Read these before you come to class since most of the time in the course will be spent doing practical work.

4. We'll also send you a payment schedule for the balance of your tuition fee. See link to the Refund Policy on the right of this page.

5. With appropriate experience, sailors can challenge the ASA101 level.

6. Students can live aboard during all courses except the classroom courses. Our school yachts are air conditioned which can be operated while at dock.

7. For the Beginning Courses (ASA101 & 103) in Chesapeake Bay,  bring food and drink for breakfast and lunch and plan to dine out for dinner since the boat will return to our marina each evening. For the Mid-Level Courses (ASA104 &106), Ocean Training Cruises (ASA108) and Caribbean Courses, basic on-board  food and drink are included.

8. Bring a light sleeping bag or light blanket, towels, toiletries, rain clothing, sunblock, sun glasses, hat, boat shoes or sneakers, and warm & cool clothing.  .


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